Desktop workstation are for when you need power and reliability. Higher quality component specifications, allows these systems to withstand the punishing office environment. Workstation PC can range from small all-in-ones all the way up to multi processor, huge Ram behemoth servers.

These system are quite at home in a domestic setting, the high spec components make them quiet and cool running but with extreme power.

Apple Mac Pro 6.1 64GB RAM, Dual D300 Graphics
Apple Mac Pro 6.1 64GB RAM, Dual D300 Graphics
Apple Mac Pro 6.1 64GB
  • Model: Mac Pro 6.1 (Late 2013)
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5 6 Core, 12 Threads at 3.5GHZ
  • Memory: 64GB DDR3 EEC RAM
  • Graphics: Dual AMD FirePro D300 2GB VRAM
  • Drives: Apple 256GB NVME SSD
  • OS: macOS Monterey 12.7.6
  • Keyboard: Apple Bluetooth magic keyboard
  • Mouse: Jelly soft-click Bluetooth mouse